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The Fuel Reducer
This fitting reduces the diameter of the fuel line and claims to save up to 25% on home fuel oil, and also claims to work in diesel engines.

There is a fixed amount of energy in a gallon of fuel. Even if you did burn 25% less, then you would also generate 25% less heat or travel 25% fewer miles. This is a device that in the best case will do nothing, and worst case, cause performance problems similar to what you have from a clogged fuel filter.
You will find these devices backed up by testimonials. Just like giving someone a placebo, just thinking that you are saving money changes your habits and you become more aware of usage, perhaps using lower heat settings. In other cases, you might test it on a year that has fewer heating degree days and think it was working. More likely, the testimonials were invented.
The bottom line for all things like this is that they cannot work as claimed and any claims that you will save a large amount of energy, like this ad for the FuelEjector, are fraudulent

What would it take to prove that it is useless ? You could set up two boilers side by side, one with a fuel reducer and the other set up as per factor specifications. Then you would measure fuel consumption and heat output. Of course nobody is going to do this because the results would not be flattering. The pump would either manage to suck the fuel in faster through the restriction, or it would be starved for fuel and the fuel air mixture would be wrong.
How does this claim strike you?
"The FuelReducer is the solution to GM, Ford and Chrysler’s declining sales as their customers will see an added 4 to 8 mpg fuel economy to their vehicles just by installing a FuelReducer."
"OBD II engine diagnostics verifies the results and confirms that the FuelReducer does increase the fuel mileage and in most cases does improve performance and reduces emissions."
After a while, all these frauds start to look alike. The underdog for whom we can identify (a small business / small time inventor / grandfather) comes up with something fantastic that will save the world if only big business would listen. But you are special because you are listening, so come and get it. But you better act fast because:
The FuelReducer current stock is nearly sold out. There are just 30 Oil Furnace Ejectors left for oil furnaces, 50 - 3/8 FuelReducer Pro and 40 - 5/16 FuelReducer Pro as of 8:00 AM November 9, 2008. Once these are sold there will be a waiting period for all new orders. Large orders have been rapidly depleting our stock."
Thats right folks, cave into your animal instincts. Are you a wolf? Get some before the rest of the pack finishes it off. Are you a sheep? Follow the flock - there is safety in numbers you know. Hurry!
And look at those exact numbers. Precisely 8:00 AM on November 9 -- wow, this must be extra true.
To report this scam, use the FTC consumer complaint assistant.
Reader Comments:
Dear Administrator
Actually the Fuel Reducer might work somewhat in an oil furnace - but it would usually be much cheaper to install a smaller GPH nozzle.
Most oil furnaces were originally set up with larger nozzle sizes designed for quick heating and the worst winter cold (including high winds). Oversize nozzles result in short run times for most milder winter conditions and high stack temperatures. Both these conditions reduce efficiency. Installing the smallest possible nozzle and properly adjusting the fuel/air ratio (enough air for minimum smoke, but still keeping the stack temperature low) can substantially boost the efficiency of an older burner.
Installing one of the fuel reducers might make a larger nozzle work like a smaller one (with the risk of the nozzle spray pattern not being proper if the pressure at the nozzle ends up too low). The burner air/fuel ratio will still need to be adjusted.
I was able to cut my oil furnace consumption per 1,000 degree days in half in the 1980's by carefully cleaning and adjusting my furnace regularly, installing a high efficiency burner head and going to smaller and smaller GPH nozzles. Then I moved to the country and burn wood .
Bottom Line: It may actually work a little in a furnace but is definitely not the way to do it. Spend the $50 towards having a smaller nozzle installed and the furnace cleaned and adjusted properly! None of the above applies to an automotive fuel injection system!
Your website does a great service - I only mention the above since some folks may get an improvement in furnace performance and claim it is due to the Fuel Reducer.
Britt Ferrill